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篇名 利用液體製作電路:離子液體電路微流體壓力感測器
卷期 33:4=186
並列篇名 Building Electronic Circuits Using Liquids: IonicLiquid Eelctrofl uidic Circuit Microfl uidic PressureSensors
作者 董奕鍾
頁次 068-074
出刊日期 201202


本文將介紹利用填充離子液體的微流體通道所建構的液體電路為基礎之微流體壓力感測器,所發展的感測器可利用多層軟蝕刻方式製作,感測器可輕易地無縫整合於一般常用 PDMS 微流體系統中,不需額外的組合程序或繁複的無塵室微製程。因此所發展之壓力感測器可以大規模整合於微流體系統中,甚至可製作出完全可拋式元件。在此壓力感測的原理是利用量測壓力所造成的液體電路電阻改變,藉由惠思同電橋的電路設計,感測器可以精準且穩定的量測電阻值。實驗中,利用加壓的氮氣來進行感測器的校正與性能測試,實驗結果說明了壓力感測器的線性量測特性、極佳的長時間及溫度穩定性。綜合而言,本文中所介紹的微流體壓力感測器可以提供 PDMS 微流體系統中更簡易、更具實用價值的偵測,以及系統中流況與液體性質之觀察,對於發展各式應用微流體系統有極大助益。


This article introduces a microfluidic pressure sensor based on electrofluidic circuits constructed by ionicliquid (IL)-filled microfluidic channels. The developed pressure sensor can be seamlessly fabricated intopolydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic systems using the well-developed multilayer soft lithography(MSL) technique without additional assembly or sophisticated cleanroom microfabrication processes. As aresult, the device can be easily scaled up and is fully disposable. The pressure sensing is achieved by measuringthe pressure-induced electrical resistance variation of the constructed electrofluidic resistor. In addition, anelectrofluidic Wheatstone bridge circuit is designed for accurate and stable resistance measurements. Thepressure sensor is characterized using pressurized nitrogen gas and the experimental results demonstrate thegreat long-term stability, temperature stability, and linear characteristics of the developed pressure sensingscheme. Consequently, the integrated microfluidic pressure sensor developed in this paper is promising forbetter monitoring and for characterizing the fl ow conditions and liquid properties inside the PDMS microfl uidicsystems in an easier manner for various applications.

