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篇名 創新超高解析度全視野 X 光顯微術
卷期 33:4=186
並列篇名 Latest Advance in Ultrahigh Resolution Full-FieldX-Ray Microscopy
作者 胡宇光陳譽升林呈弘楊士賢陳慶國王長海董憲澤
頁次 059-067
出刊日期 201202


利用奈米製程技術和與傳統光學概念巧妙結合,目前的 X 光顯微術已經步入奈米解析度時代。本文中將敘述了 X 光光學元件製程技術以及新一代高解析度 X 光顯微鏡的最新發展。文中將特別指出,目前世界上最高深寬比 (超過 20) 的菲涅耳環板可以藉由我們所研發的電子束微影和微電鍍製程製造成超高高解析度 X 光顯微鏡所需要之成像物鏡,利用同步輻射光源我們所建構的 X 光顯微鏡的空間解析度已經可以達到 20 nm 的目標,並將此具有超高空間和時間解析度以及高相位對比的硬 X 光顯微鏡發展成為解析奈米級三維結構的利器,將可為生物、奈米醫學以及材料科學提供新的研究機會。


Contemporary X-ray microscopy has evolved into the “Nano” age thanks to the development of advanced nanodevicefabrication and elegant integration of traditional optic concepts. This article reviews the latest advance offabrication of X-ray optic components and the next-generation ultrahigh resolution X-ray microscopy. Specifi cally,hard X-ray Fresnel zone plates with the highest aspect ratio in the world have been produced by e-beam lithographyand micro scale electro-deposition. The state-of-the-art synchrotron X-ray based hard X-ray microscopes havedemonstrated a resolution better than 20 nm. Ultrahigh spatial and temporal resolutions, combined with suffi cientphase contrast make hard X-ray microscopes powerful tools to resolve three-dimensional structure at the nanoscale.This new characterization methodology opens new opportunities in multiple research fields such as biology,nanomedicine, and material sciences.

