
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 從元代詩法著作論李商隱詩在元代的接受情形
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Reception of Li Shangyin's Poetry in Ming Dynasty: From the Aspect of Yuan Poetry Theories
作者 李宜學
頁次 115-158
關鍵字 元代詩法李商隱接受Ming dynastypoetry theoryLiShangyinreceptionTHCI Core
出刊日期 201106


〔唐〕李商隱詩的「接受」(reception)研究,以金、元時期較為簡略,尚待發明之 處猶多.而元代詩學,以詩法為主要表現形式,具體呈現了元人對詩歌理論的看法;並且,這類著作往往也成了初學者一窺詩學堂奧的入門手冊,需求量頗大,故書商多樂於刊印,以資牟利,更擴大了其流通的深度與廣度。因此,飲了解李商隱詩在元代讀者心目中的實際圖像,詩法著作便成了不可或缺的考察對象。但現存元代此類著作中有不少偽書,作者、著作年代均造有爭議,能否代表元人的詩學觀?不無可商.職是,本文將先說明詩法著作在元代詩學中的重要性,以凸顯研究之獨特性與可行性;其次,甄別涉及李商隱詩論之元代詩法著作的真偽,並提出因應之道,以確保論述基礎穩固;最後,根據上述可信之元代詩法著作,抽繹其中潛藏的李商隱詩歌見解,以呈顯李商隱詩在元代「接受」中的一個側面。透過本文,或可為目前研究略顯不足的元代李商隱詩學,填補一頁空白。


The studies on the reception of LiShangyin's poetry during Jinand Yuan dynasty have not been the focal point of relative researches. Taking a large part of Yuan poetry studies, the poetry theory publications reflected the contemporary attitude toward poetry and were primers for beginners to learn poetry studies, which thus brought considerable profits for the booksellers and resulted in their spread. However, as large quantities of counterfeits were also in market circulation, the authors and publication dates of many of these publications were highly in dispute and whether they could accurately accounted for Yuan people's perspective of poetry was rather dubious. In this regard, this paper began with dissecting the importance of the poetic theories in the development of Yuan poetry to emphasize the originality and advisability of its arguments. Secondly, it went on with the methods of discerning the authenticity of the mentioned theories to ensure the discourse foundation. Finally, it extracted the discussionsabout Li Shangyin from the credible theory publications to get a clear picture of the reception of Li'spoetry in Yuan dynasty. The aim of this paper is to supplement the somewhat overlooked studies of Li Shangyin's poetry in Yuan dynasty.
