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篇名 從科幻電影「絕地再生」論所關涉之生命議題及反思
卷期 6
並列篇名 A Reserach and Introspection on Life Issues Involved in the Science Fiction Movie “The Island”
作者 蔡蕙如
頁次 099-120
關鍵字 電影絕地再生複製人生命議題movieThe Islandcloned humanlife issue
出刊日期 201112


本文試就科幻電影「絕地再生」(The Island)之主題內容論其所關涉的生命議題,探究人類開發複製科技的深層動機、生命延續之意義與形式以及論述墮胎之我見。繼之針對人類以其本位性思考的模式來發展科技所產生的盲點而提出商榷,期使號稱萬物之靈的我族能夠履行尊重人我與物我的生命平等倫理,不任意宰制複製人的生命、無辜的胚胎,不剝奪其他物種的生存權,以養生取代過度的醫療依賴和不透支自然資源,並在「環境正義」、「代間平等」、「天人和諧」原則的指導下,同時拒絕「為科學而科學」、「追求科技時髦」、「軍事競技」、「征服自然」以及「經濟掛帥」等不當心態或企圖,才能進行基因工程與各類科技的發展。最終,至盼吾輩於科技、文明發展過程中將以人類為中心的本位轉移至以生態為中心來思考,日後方得永續發展—與自然共存,以成就世世代代人的永生而不僅是個人或科技強勢者的延年益壽。


This paper attempts to discuss life issues involved in the theme and contents of the movie, “The Island,” by addressing the in-depth otivation for humans to develop cloning technology, the meaning and form to extend life, and the opinion of the researcher of this study towards abortion. Suggestions on the ignorance disguised by the human oriented development model of technology are also proposed to call for humans, the lords of all creation, to respect the equal importance principle between humans and other creations and not to dominate clone and embryo lives as well as the right of other species to survive. Over dependency on medical care should be replaced with caring for life and the balance of nature should be conserved. Under the guidance of principles such as “environmental justice,” “intergenerational equality,” and “harmony between humans and
nature,” humans shall, at the same time, reject an inappropriate mindset or ambition of “scientific competition,” “pursuit of fab technology,” “military competition,” “conquering nature,” and “economy in command” before embarking on genetic engineering and other related technologies. In the end, it is hoped that the human oriented concept will shift to an eco-centered one during technology development and that
civilization will achieve sustainable development, live in coexistence with nature, and obtain for future generations not only an extension of life for all whether they have access to technological advantages or not.
