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篇名 層層剝削?互利共生?:兩岸性交易網絡中的交織政治
卷期 48
並列篇名 Exploitation or Reciprocity? The Intersectionality of Gender, Class and Sexuality in Cross-Strait Commercial Sex Networks
作者 陳美華
頁次 001-049
關鍵字 兩岸性交易網絡性別移民/性工作者性工作交織性Cross-strait commercial sex networksgendermigrant/sex workerssex workintersectionalityMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201112




For decades, “human snakes” (a slang name for sex traffickers) have
been described as sexual exploiters, especially in the feminist literature. Based on data from interviews with Chinese migrant/sex workers and Taiwanese sex traffickers, I will argue that the prevailing discourse misconstrues crossstrait commercial sex networks and the material bases of the underground economy. I will also argue that the cross-strait underclass represents the main labor source in this economy, and that the regime that criminalizes commercial sex and rigid border controls actually makes Chinese migrant sex workers a vulnerable group for exploitation. The intersection of gender, class,sexuality, and migration thus makes the fragile positions of Chinese migrant sex workers even worse than those of local sex workers. However, my data indicate that Chinese migrant sex workers are not necessarily sexual victims,nor do they generate the feeling of being exploited. Instead, relations between them and human snakes are usually contradictory and ambiguous, marked by a mix of co-operation and antagonism. The balance of power between migrant/sex workers and human snakes is uneven, yet migrant sex workers may view it as reciprocal, since their pimps and traffickers are the only actors capable of negotiating with the state.
