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篇名 重探高等教育科系性別隔離的影響因素:技職與學術取向教育之對比
卷期 48
並列篇名 Accounting for Sex Segregation in Taiwan Higher Education:Differences between Vocational and Academic Sectors
作者 陳婉琪許雅琳
頁次 151-199
關鍵字 高等教育性別隔離女性比例增權技職教育Higher educationgender segregationempowermentvocational educationMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201112




Previous research suggests that degree of gender segregation in fields
of study in Taiwan is mainly influenced by women’s representation in
higher education and changes in the scale of fields of study. However,
structural factors have never been taken into consideration, even as structural diversification in higher education increases. Using data on tertiary degrees arned by Taiwanese men and women in all academic fields from 1982 to 2009, we re-examined determinants of gender segregation. Results from regression models indicate that while women’s representation in higher education and changes in the scale of fields of study are important factors, the ays they influence gender segregation are not the same across educational sectors. In academic-oriented universities and graduate programs, increases in women’s representation reduce gender segregation, with change in scale of fields not exerting great influence. In contrast, in vocational and junior olleges, expansion in traditionally male or female fields of study increases gender segregation—that is, women’s representation exerts very little effect, if any. A likely explanation is the much stronger connection between vocational-oriented education and the labor market, which makes gender segregation in the vocational sector much more resistant to change.
