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篇名 老年人居住安排的動態:Markov模型的設計與估計
卷期 48
並列篇名 Markov Model and the Dynamics of Elderly Living Arrangement in Taiwan
作者 陳寬政林子瑜張雅君
頁次 201-229
關鍵字 老人居住安排馬可夫模型移轉機率參數設限elderly living arrangementmarkov modeltransition matrixparameter restrictionMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201112




While the elderly may choose to live with children, with spouse only,
live alone, or with others, it appears that the elderly in Taiwan predominantly live with the children and the spouse, reflecting the traditional family values.Based on longitudinal surveys, past researches in Taiwan and the East Asian countries indicate that living with children constitutes the most stable living arrangement at old age, with some transfers in between the different states in living arrangement. This paper parameterizes a series of the observed crosssectional distributions of the elderly living in different states, estimates a Markov model to reveal a stable structure of flows underneath the observed distributions.
We employed parameter restrictions 0≦mij≦1 and Σi mij=1 to confine
the parameters in estimating the transition matrix. Living with children is found the most favored and stable way of life at old age, followed by living with spouse only. Living alone is considered transitional in between living with spouse only and the other states. Living with others, mostly composed of elderly living in the institutions, is also transitional probably resulting from degradation in health. The high mortality rate implied by living with others compared to the other states suggested that elderly living arrangement is related to health, with death being the final state.
