
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 物件導向應用於地名實例
卷期 3
並列篇名 The Application of Object Orientation Programming in Toponym Practice
作者 林開輝
頁次 85-94
關鍵字 物件導向資料抽象化資料隱藏可重覆性包裝性維護性Object OrientationData AbstractionInformation HidingReusabilityEncapsulationMaintainability
出刊日期 199211


近年來程式設計的觀念有了重大的變化,已由傳統程序化,結構化的設計理念轉變成物件導向(Object Orientation)的設計模式,目前一般物件導向模式的軟體正日趨增加,往後將逐漸取代傳統的程式設計觀念,而成爲未來程式設計的主流。本文即在探討如何將物件導向程式設計的原理應用於地理資訊系統之中,並以地名爲例,說明物件導向模式之運作,以便在設計地理資訊系統應用程式時,能加入新的設計觀念,而使地理資訊系統這樣龐大的系統更有效率,而且更易維護。


Recently, the concept of programming has a big change. The Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has become more popular and the OOP software product was increasing. The new concept of Object Oriented Programming may replace that of traditional programming and become the most important programming concept. This article is aimed at how to apply the Object Oriented Programming in Geographic Information System (GIS) and make a practical example of toponym to express the performance of Object Oriented Programming. In this case, we can find that the Object Oriented Programming can improve the performance of Geographic Information System. The Object Oriented programming can make the massive Geographic Information System more efficient and maintainable.
