
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 利用數化空照像片作SPOT衛星影像的幾何控制
卷期 3
並列篇名 Geometric Control of SPOT Panchromatic Imagery Using Digtized Aerial Photographs
作者 孫秉良
頁次 43-60
關鍵字 數位攝影測量軟考備攝影測量多解析影像關聯Digital PhotogrammetrySoft copy PhotogrammetryMulti-resolution Image Correlation
出刊日期 199211


本研究的主要目標在由數化空照像片中產生SPOT全色影像的地面控制資訊。爲了達成這個目標而發展了一套關聯SPOT影像和數化室照像片的技術。這個方法包括1.利用數值影像技術,如數值摺積法來作數化空照像片的初期準備,2.進行二種影像的關聯,關聯SPOT影像和數化空照像片後,利用攝影測量技術計算數化空照像片上的關聯點的地面座標。本研究成功的測試了SPOT影像和數化空照像片的關聯。找出了像對上關聯點的影像座標,用光束法計算出關聯點的地面座標,將此地面座標轉給SPOT影像使用。基於這一研究,數化空照像片可以提供精密的地面控制給SPOT影像使用,並且利用本文的技術,控制點轉刺給SPOT影像其精度可達0.25 SPOT像元。提昇了SPOT衛星影像的製圖的精度。


The main objective of this research has been to generate ground control information for SPOT panchromatic imagery from digitized aerial photographs. To achieve this, a method of correlating SPOT imagery and digitized aerial photographs was developed. This method involves 1) preliminary preparation of the digitized photographs using digital image processing techniques, In particular, digital Image convolution; and 2) performing correlations of the two types of imagery. Photogrammetric techniques are then used to compute the ground coordinates of the correlated points on the digitized aerial photographs. Correlation of SPOT panchromatic imagery with digitized aerial photographs was successfully tested. Corresponding points on both imageries were located, and the ground coordinates that were derived from the aerial photographs were transferred to the SPOT imagery. Based upon this research, it is concluded that digitized aerial photographs can be used to provide accurate ground control information for SPOT panchromatic imagery. Using the techniques developed in this thesis, control points transferred to SPOT images could be located to better than 0.25 SPOT pixels.
