
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 數值地圖線符號簡化之探討-以海岸線爲例
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Study on Coast-line Generalization
作者 聞祝達莊克定
頁次 15-34
出刊日期 199312




Cartographic generalization is a process that transforming geo-information from large-scale through small-scale, so, it controls the communication efficiency of map information. Linear features are dominant in conventional maps, and own even higher percentage in the vectorized maps; therefore, line generalization is important in the map-making and geographic information systems. Line generalization algorithms are many kinds, Douglas-Peucker's algorithm (1973) is the pertinent, and the determination of its tolerance value is the most important one, as to approach the goal of keeping the true figue of geographic environment. The aim of this study is to find the relationships that lie between tolerance value and geomorphological characterisitics of different coastlines of Taiwan area. Thus the tolerance value of different regions can be defined. Besides, it can also be used as a noise-wiping method in the preparing period of generalization, this will be demonstrated here.

