
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 地形分類及其圖示研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 Geomorphological Classification and Its Mapping
作者 王明志石慶得張瑞津
頁次 55-64
關鍵字 地形分類地形表徵地形計測法地景法GeomorphologicalFeature of landformGeomorphometricLandscape Approach
出刊日期 199312


地形分類係專爲研究區內各種地形間相異(同)的複雜現狀,以地形表徵(Feature)爲分類指標,分別採用地形計測法(Geomorphometric Method)與地景法(Landscape Approach),將地形實況系統化分類,進而編繪地形分類圖,以別於傳統的等高線地形表示法。地形分類圖爲自然環境重要基本圖之一,不僅能提供地形分類的資訊,並可結合災害(如水災、地震等)及地質、土壤等相關資料,進行災害的判釋及預測。因此在許多先進國家,地形分類圖普遍應用於軍事情報之研析與都市開發規劃之初,對區域性降水造成的水害與地震造成的液化現象,或築壩(橋樑)穩定點位置選取等問題提供可靠且實際的參考資訊。反觀國內,在經建工程大興土木的此時,卻仍未見相關研究與成圖。於是,本文基於上述理念選定台北盆地爲例,利用航照判讀、地形計測、野外考察等方法,深入探討地形分類及其圖示色彩與比例尺運用的原則,進而編製台北盆地地形分類圖及地形計測圖等基本主題圖,用以套疊其他環境主題圖,俾提供各項工程規劃、環境評估與國防兵力佈署等之分析應用。


Geomorphological classification has been extensively used as a basis for land classification. Using visible morphological feature as an index, It can be done by geomorphometric method and landscape approach to systematically represent the intrinsical real world. Geomorphological classification map, one kind of the natural enviornmental information, can be used to interpred and predict hazard zone when it overlays with relative data such as flooded area, earthguaked location, geology and soil condition etc. So, the purpose of geomorphological classification map showing classifing result of research area is to indicate the feature of the dissaters not only in the past but also to predict the future, the world-wide interest in geomorphological classification exhibited by a very varied group of organizations and individuals might suggest the usefulness of geomorphological classification map is beyond question. Nevertheless, the progress of this technical field in Taiwan seems not distinctly. Therefore, due to the above mentioned reaasons, the geomorphological classification map of Taipei Basin made mainly from aerial photo interpretation and feild work is the beginning output to offer the information when environment planning and evaluating need.
