
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 曼菲斯市學校和醫院間地震災害發生時之最短路徑設計研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 The Optimal Path Design between Schools and Hospitals in Memphis a Case Study of Earthquake Hazard Management
作者 高慶珍
頁次 65-84
關鍵字 最優路徑起始點目的地Optimum PathoriginsDestination
出刊日期 199312




This paper focuses on the application of network analysis, one of the major functions of geographic information systems, to solve a number of optimization problems, namely selecting the shortest route between origins and destinations, and designing optimum routes for delivery vehicles and buses. The pathfinding function was used to find the optimum path between schools and hospitals in Memphis and Shelby County if an earthquake occurs. The computerized network analysis revealed that the appropriate paths were selected and calculated under the earthquake scenarios. This strategy may also be applied in a large scale implementation.
