
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 影像及向量地圖製作與結合之研究
卷期 5
並列篇名 A Study on the Production of Image and Vector Map and Their Combination
作者 李正義
頁次 37-42
關鍵字 向量地圖影像Vector mapImage
出刊日期 199412




One of the major functions of image is goodliness. It emphasizes on the comfort for human's sights and suitable expression and tends to be used to make a good communication with users. For vector maps, they are better in respect of classification and analysis, and convenient for data query and building data base. So to utilize map compilation, analyzing and data refreshing. We should not ignore these advantages. If we combine them togehter to get the the functions of image maps and vector maps, the will be able to show the more persuasive maps on the screen.

