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篇名 學齡腦性麻痺見童接受物理治療體適能訓練之初步成效報告
卷期 36:4
並列篇名 The Effects of Fitness Trainingin Physical Therapy for School-aged Children with Cerebral Palsy-The Preliminary Report
作者 鄭曉倩黃維彬劉文瑜
頁次 331-339
關鍵字 腦性麻痺體適能成果回饋表現回饋Cerebral palsyHealth fitnessKnowledge of resultKnowledge of performanceTSCI
出刊日期 201110


背景與目的:學齡腦性麻痺兒童進入國小就學後,常有家長抱怨兒童進入國小階段後,其動作功能表現變差,活動量減少,甚至常有肥胖的情形出現。而腦性麻痺學童體適能明顯較一般兒童差,但體適能訓練建議至少須每週三次以上才可見明顯進步.因此學齡腦性麻痺兒童如何在治療頻率減少的同時,維持適切的鍵康體適能,是物理治療帥關心的議題。本研究的目的是探討每過次的訓練活動,並配合表現自饋與結果回饋的方式,是否也能達到提升腦性麻痺學童眼力、柔軟度、心肺耐力及平衡能力等體適能相關目標。方法:以11位5.4~13.3歲粗大動作功能分類系統(GMFCS)第一級之腦性麻痺學童為對象,給予每週一次,為期三個月的訓練,評估項目包括. 平衡能力、柔軟度、膝伸直肌力、敏捷度以及心瞬間力(生理耗能指數)。結果:右膝伸直肌力、右腳單腳站和敏捷度三項有顯著進步(p<.05)。結論:每週一次的運動訓練並結合表現與結果回饋的給予,對粗大動作功能性分類第一級之腦性麻痺學童的部分體通能訓練項目有提升之功效。因此,家長與學童也可在不嚴重影響學童學習時間的情況下,在家執行體適能訓練,使腦性麻痺學童養成固定運動的好習慣,並維持適切的動作功能及體適能。(物理治療2011;36(4):331-339)


Background: School-aged children with cerebral palsy (CP) had problems of worse functional ability and overweight. The useful fitness training protocol should be three times per week. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of limited fitness training frequency (once per week) combined knowledge of result (KR) and knowledge of performance (KP). Method: Eleven school-aged children (age 5.4~13.3 yrs) with CP (GMFCS Level 1) participated in this study. Fitness program included one leg standing, knee extensor strengthening, flexibillity.agility, and cardiopulmonary endurance. Results: Only right one leg standing, right knee extensor strength and agility had significant difference (p<.05).Conclusion: Children with CP could stiU benefit from limited fitness training frequency combined KR and KP. Children with CP could use less time to maintain their physical fitness, functional ability and have the habit of routine exercise. (FJPT 2011 ;36(4):331-339)
