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篇名 品管圈改善醫院復健治療流程之研究
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 A Study for Quality Control Circle Improving the Procedure of Rehabilitation Treatment in Hospital
作者 張文典黎秉東林鋐宇陳念筑
頁次 17-28
關鍵字 品管圈復健治療流程治療時間不足quality control circlerehabilitation treatment procedureinsufficient treatment time
出刊日期 201109




In Chinese and western medicine, medical industries bring in the management of enterprise to raise the efficiency of production process through process analysis and route plan. This research used the strategy of quality control circle to execute an improvement case for the treatment procedure of the rehabilitation department in a hospital of western medicine. This quality control circle analyzed the treatment problems of the department to improve the formation rate of insufficient treatment time. We tried to find the main reasons and improved the problems of insufficient treatment time by seven strategies. The result of our research showed that after the intervention of quality control circle, the formation rate of insufficient treatment time reduced to 31.52% from 45.04. The improvement rate was 30.01% and the agreement rate was 86.33%. We believe the intervention of quality control circle can improve the operation of a department and indirectly raises the quality of medical service.
