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篇名 蔓越莓及維他命C對神經性膀胱患者在減少菌尿及膿尿之功效~前驅研究
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Evaluation of Cranberry and Vitamin C Supplement for Reduction of Pyuria and Bacteriuria in Individuals with Neurogenic Bladder
作者 許培德陳文玲王志龍孫淑芬黃巧雯鍾欣燁
頁次 29-35
關鍵字 蔓越莓維他命C菌尿膿尿神經性膀胱CranberryVitamin CBacteriuriaPyuriaNeurogenic bladder
出刊日期 201109




The patients with neurogenic bladder arc susceptible to repeated urinary tract infection. It is not recommended for them to take prophylactic antibiotics. Therefore, it is mandatory to find alternatives for the purpose of prevention. Cranberry is the one of the most common ways. However, the effectiveness of cranberry is not well-approved in the literature. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether bacteriuria and pyuria can be prevented with combination of cranberry and vitamin C in the patients with neurogenic bladder.10 inpatients and 18 outpatients with neurogenic bladder were randomly allocated into 3 groups: cranberry, combination of cranberry and vitamin C, and control group. All participants took medicine or placebo twice per day for 4 weeks with inpatients and for 6 months with outpatients. Bacteriuria and pyuria were assessed before treatment and at weekly interval for inpatients and at each monthly follow-up visit for outpatients.There were no significant differences on the degree of improvement on bacteriuria or pyuria in cranberry, combination of cranberry with vitamin C, and control group. Because current sample size is limited, we could not confirm the effects of cranberry combined with vitamin C on the improvement of pyuria or bacteria in neurogenic bladder patients. Further studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are warranted to confirm our results.
