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篇名 李東垣痰厥頭痛醫案討論
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Discussion of Phlegm Reversal Headache Case by Li Bong-Yuan
作者 陳貞如陳榮洲
頁次 47-53
關鍵字 痰厥頭痛暈眩半夏白朮天麻湯Phlegm reversal headacheVertigoBan-xia bai-zhu tian-ma tang
出刊日期 201109


本文痰厥頭痛醫案,出自於金元•李東垣所著脾胃論,本醫案以半夏白朮天麻湯主治痰厥頭痛,同時亦治療了患者嚴重的暈眩,其病因病機爲脾胃內傷,中氣下陷,因誤用下法,重虛其胃,導致脾虛痰濕內生,脾虛不能扶肝木,肝風夾痰上擾及肝陽暴張於頭部,故引起痰厥頭痛及眼黑頭旋,依神經內科學的觀點,最可能的診斷是基體動脈偏頭痛(Basilar Artery Migrain),本醫案的分析可提供臨床醫師的參考應用。


The present phlegm reversal headache case was originated from Pi-wei-Lun by Li Dong Yuan at Jin-Yuan dynasty in China. Analysis of the case at first it should be understand the medical thinking process of Li's Pi-wei-Lun. The case Li's treated with ban-xia bai-zhu tian-ma tang for hlegm reversal headache and vertigo, which's cause and pathological mechanism, was owing to internal injury of speen-stomach and central qi falling. And then accidental using offensive precipitation enhanced the spleen qi vacuity and damp phlegm growth inside. On the other hand, the spleen qi vacuity could not support the liver-wood and induced liver wind with phlegm ascending counterfiow and liver yang exuberance up to head. From the view of internal neurology, the most possible diagnosis of phlegm reversal headache and vertigo was a basilar artery migraine.
