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篇名 睡眠中週期性肢動症的中醫診療病例報告
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Periodic Legs Movement of Sleep: A Case Report of Chinese Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
作者 許堯欽趙翰林賴郁凱
頁次 37-45
關鍵字 睡眠中週期性肢動症陣發性抽搐肝腎陰虛虛風內動平肝熄風Periodic legs movement of sleepParoxysmal ticsLiver and kidney yin deficiencyEndogenous windLiver pacifying and wind extinguishing
出刊日期 201109




The 42years old male patient complained of concerning paroxysmal tics and jerks every night (usually between 11 pm and 2 am) for 2 years revealed: the paroxysmal tonic spasms over the dorsum of pedis, ankle and toes of the right leg, the dorsum of pedis jerking up and down quickly in seconds, and stopping in seconds before recurrence. The process was recorded by his wife on the cell phone. On the first visit, he had fatigue, the dark complexion; the dark rim around the eyes. According to him in the inquiry, his anemia, hypotension and tinnitus lasted many years; and frequently working over 12 hours everyday over 10 years caused his long term sleep deprivation. Likewise, he was weary at work by day. Nonetheless, the extremity strength was normal; no numbness; no atrophy. The paroxysmal tics and jerks in the right leg happened merely at midnight. The pulses were deep and weak (the right guan pulse was weak; so was the left chi pulse) The clinical diagnosis was Periodic Legs Movement of Sleep (PLMS).The Chinese syndrome differentiation was liver and kidney yin deficiency and endogenous wind were averred. The principal of treatment: the blood was tonified, yin nourished, besides the liver pacified and wind extinguished. The prescription, four substance decoction was modified with Three-Shell Decoction to Restore the Pulse added or reduced. One week after medication, the right leg tic and jerk frequency and intensity were saliently reduced; the vigor, tinnitus, and nose allergy were ameliorated. Three week after, the frequency decreased to 2 times per week; Three months after, the right leg tic and jerk disappeared. Additionally, the subject was reminded of a normal diet and a regular life to consolidate the curative effect
