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篇名 李東垣蘭室秘藏五官科疾病的用藥思想研究
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Medication Thought of Five-Organ Disease from Lan-Shi-Mi-Cang by Li Dong-Yuan
作者 陳榮洲曹榮穎
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 李東垣蘭室秘藏眼鼻病牙痛用藥思想Li Dong-YuanLan-shi-mi-cang bookEye-nose diseaseDental painMedication thought
出刊日期 201109




The present study was to research medication thought of five organ diseases in the book of Lan-Shi-Mi-Cang by Li-Dong-Yuan at Jin-Yuan dynasty in China. Among of five organ diseases, the most commonly cases were eye and dental diseases by Li's treatment in clinic, then nasal disease, and ear and pharynx-throat diseases were seldom.The commonly diseases were acute or chronic conjunctivitis and keratitis by Li's treated external ocular disease. The principles of acute eye diseases medication were used hear-clearing and resolve toxin herbs, as well as drain fire and dry dampness herbs, and usually combined with warm-acrid exterior-resolving medicinal. For chronic eye diseases, when patient's present vacuity symptoms, the medication of supplementing and nourishing qi and blood herbs were given. If the eye diseases were relation with spleen vacuity and yin fire, it should be administered boosting qi, upraise, and drain yin fire herbs. The commonly cases of internal ocular disease were glaucoma and cataract were treated by Li's. The formulas composition with supplementing qi, upraise, and drain yin fire herbs, as well as enriching kidney yin medicinal. But acute congestive glaucoma medications were used heat-clearing fire-draining and blood-cooling blood-quickening herbs by Li's. Nasal disease treated by Li's, the formula of nasal obstruction (vasomotor rhinitis) was with warm lung, upraise, and free the orifices medicinal, whereas atrophic rhinitis(nose lose aromatic and bad smell) was administered the supplementing qi and fortify the spleen herbs, as well as upraise and drain yin fire medicinal. Li's treated dental pain, any way internal or external treatment usually took the basic formulas with Stomach-Clearing Powder.
