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篇名 Urothelial Tumors of the Upper Urinary Tract Following Transurethral Resection of Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma:Mackay Memorial Hospital Experience
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 膀胱移形性上皮癌經尿道切除後在上泌尿道癌之發生:馬偕醫院的經驗
作者 許炯明羅景易林文州張奐光周固楊志東
頁次 032-036
關鍵字 經尿道切除移形性上皮癌上泌尿道transurethral resectiontransitional cell carcinomaupper urinary tractTSCI
出刊日期 200103




OBJECTIVE: Urothelial carcinoma is characterized by a tendency for multifocal locations at the initial diagnosis and subsequent tumors after treatment of the initial tumors occurring anywhere within the entire urinary tract. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors of upper urinary tract tumor occurrence following TURBT. We also determine a reasonable follow-up scheme for postoperative monitoring. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1988 to December 1993, 150 patients who underwent a transurethral resection of primary bladder transitional cell carcinoma were re-viewed at our hospital. Each patient was followed for at least 5 years or until death. Follow-up tests included cystoscopy, intravenous pyelography or sonography, and urine cytology. To analyze the risk factors for upper urinary tract tumor occurrence, the Kaplan-Meier method was performed. RESULTS: Subsequent upper tract tumor development was found in 5 of 150(3.3%) patients at an interval of 9 to 46 months(mean, 24.2 months).Patients with a primary bladder tumor of high tumor grade, associated with a carcinoma in situ or a multifocal tumor, are at in-creased risk for subsequent upper tract tumor development. CONCLUSIONS: High-risk patients must be minitored with IVP yearly for at least 3 years for early detection of upper tract tumors, and thereafter IVP can be replaced by renal sonography. Once a patient presents with a sign or symptom suggesting upper tract TCC, IVP, ureteroscopy with biopsy, or selective upper tract urinary cytology must be performed to help establish a diagnosis.
