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篇名 Acute Appendicitis in an Incarcerated Amyand's Hernia
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 箝固性疝氣包含急性盲腸炎
作者 楊登凱廖俊厚孫政宏蕭博仁江漢聲陳梓泓
頁次 173-175
關鍵字 箝固性疝氣急性盲腸炎Amyand's herniaAcute appendicitis
出刊日期 200809



The presence of acute appendicitis in an incarcerated Amyand's hernia is rare, and the diagnosis is always made on the operating table. The clinical picture is similar to that of a strangulated hernia. We report an 81-year-old male patient with acute appendicitis in an incarcerated Amyand's hernia with the initial presentation of a worsening, painful mass over his right inguinal area. An emergent appendectomy through a herniotomy and herniorrhaphy was performed. An incarcerated hernia with appendicitis may occur without signs of a strangulated bowel and is hard to distinguish from other irreducible non-bowel strangulated masses. Unfortunately, delayed diagnosis and management may result in moresevere postoperative complications. In our opinion, an emergent operation is a better choice.

