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篇名 Laparoscopic Management of Symptomatic Communicating-Type Renal Cysts
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 腹腔鏡對於症狀性連通腎囊泡之處理
作者 盧嘉文黃景榆林義昌林嘉祥余燦榮
頁次 180-185
關鍵字 腎囊泡腎腫瘤腹腔鏡Renal cystRenal neoplasmLaparoscopy
出刊日期 200809



The incidence of renal cysts increases with age. The currently available treatment armamentaria for renal cysts are diverse. The main goals of these treatment modalities are to decompress the cyst, avoid recurrence, and relieve symptoms. A relatively minority of renal cysts are communicating-type renal cysts, which should be identified preoperatively to decrease unnecessary postoperative morbidities. We report our experience with laparoscopic renal cyst decortication with intracorporeal suture closure for communicating-type renal cysts via either a transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach. Two patients with communicating-type renal cysts were recruited between January and June 2007. A different laparoscopic approach was used in each patient. The renal cystic walls were excised as much as possible and the bases were fulgurated. The connecting channels were obliterated with intracorporeal sutures. Equivalent anatomic exposure was achieved in both patients. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications, and no recurrence. Cosmetic results were excellent. Laparoscopic management of renal cysts is a highly effective, safe, and minimally invasive modality. Correct preoperative clinical judgment and planning can reduce the occurrence of unnecessary complications. Familiarity with laparoscopic suturing skills can be incorporated into daily surgical skills to manage more-challenging disease entities, such as symptomatic communicating-type renal cysts.

