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篇名 Giant Spermatocele with Multilocular Appearance: A Case Report and Literature Review
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 大型罕見之多囊型精液囊腫:案例報告及文獻回顧
作者 李協興馮超傑賴傳才孫光煥于大雄閻中原張聖原
頁次 081-083
關鍵字 精液囊腫精液囊腫切除術SpermatoceleSpermatocelectomy
出刊日期 200506




We report on a 64-year-old man who had suffered from a left scrotal mass for 14 years. The scrotal mass had grown faster in recent years and eventually occupied the entire left scrotum, thus inducing pain in a standing position. Surgical exploration was performed and disclosed an unusually large multilocular spermatocele, which mimicked a hydrocele on physical examination. The size of the spermatocele was about 7×8×8cm, and it contained sperm. Total excision of the spermatocele was performed, and the patient recovered well. No cystic lesion has recurred during 5 months of follow-up.
