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篇名 運用行為介入法減輕新生兒接種疫苗之疼痛
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Reducing Neonatal Vaccination Pain:The Effectiveness of Behavioral Interventions
作者 周伊純葉宏軒張麗玉林建亨
頁次 003-013
關鍵字 行為介入法新生兒接種疫苗之疼痛behavioral interventionnewbornvaccination pain
出刊日期 201203


背 景新生兒時期最常發生疼痛的事件之一是接種疫苗,但接種疫苗的疼痛通常都被忽略且沒有被處理。目 的本研究旨在探討行為介入法(聽音樂加上貼胸拍背安撫)對減輕新生兒因接種疫苗所引起疼痛之成效。方 法研究對象為中部某區域教學醫院嬰兒室需接種卡介苗或B型肝炎疫苗之新生兒,共有1 位,採隨機取樣方式, 位實驗組及 位對照組,以視覺類比量表(visual analog scale, VAS)、修改後成人嬰幼兒平靜及悲痛測量(measure of adult and infant smoothing and distress, MAISD)、心率差異(heart ratevariability, HRV)及新生兒臉部辨識系統量表(neonatal facial coding scale system, NFCSS)等方式,進行疼痛評估。結 果研究結果發現,運用行為介入法之實驗組,在視覺類比量表(VAS)之疼痛評估分數及修改後成人嬰幼兒平靜及悲痛測量(MAISD)之疼痛評估分數皆顯著低於對照組(分別為 . 0 ± 1 .02 vs . 1 ±1 .22, p < .02;0. 1 ± 0. 1 vs 0. 2 ± 0. , p < .0 )。結 論臨床上對新生兒疫苗注射之疼痛常被忽略,然而音樂與貼胸拍背安撫之行為介入法是一種簡單、實用且有效緩解新生兒疼痛之方法。建議日後執行新生兒相關疫苗注射時,均能運用行為介入法來緩解新生兒因接種疫苗引起之疼痛感受,進而提升照護品質。


Background: Receiving vaccinations is one of the most painful events of infancy. Healthcare staffs often fail to appreciate this and conduct vaccinations without pain management.Purpose: This study investigated the effectiveness of behavioral interventions (listening to music, cuddling and backpatting)on reducing vaccination distress in neonates.Methods: Researchers enrolled a total of 149 neonates who underwent routine HBV or BCG vaccinations at a regional teaching hospital in central Taiwan. Eighty-eight were assigned to the experimental group and 99 to the control group.Researchers assessed vaccination pain using a visual analog scale (VAS), measure of adult and infant smoothing and distress (MAISD), heart rate variability (HRV), and the neonatal facial coding scale system (NFCSS).Results: VAS and MAISD scores were significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group (66.40±16.02 vs. 73 .31 ± 14.22 and p < .02, 0.31 ± 0.41 vs. 0.62 ± 0.58 , p < .03, respectively).
Conclusions: Behavioral interventions represent a simple, practical and effective approach to alleviating neonate vaccination pain. Their proper application to improve neonatal care quality is recommended.
