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篇名 新移民母親陪同孩童急症就醫之經驗
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Immigrant Mother Experiences Accompanying Their Children in the Emergency Department
作者 王秀梅蘇淑芬劉波兒王建得
頁次 014-023
關鍵字 紮根理論新移民母親孩童急症急診grounded theoryimmigrant motherscritically ill childrenemergency department
出刊日期 201203


背 景當新移民母親面對孩童因急症發作緊急送醫時,陌生的急診環境,與醫護人員無法有效的溝通,可能使得患者的醫療需求被忽略,進而產生就醫壓力,但相關的研究較不足。目 的瞭解急診環境對新移民母親孩童急症就醫過程的經驗。方 法以質性研究之紮根理論研究法進行資收集和分析,發展半結構式訪談指引,以理論性抽樣選取12位具中文溝通能力的東南亞新移民母深入訪談,並將資料持續比較、驗證及專家審視,以達研究分析之嚴謹度。結 果本研究發現二個類別及四個次類別。病童的急症發作,為新移民母親緊急就醫之因果條件,由次類別「急症病徵」組成。急亂忙碌的急診,是新移民母親求醫歷程之脈絡條件,由「醫護人員無暇顧及」、「急診人員的負向態度」與「混亂的急診環境」三個次類別組成。結 論/實務應用新移民母親礙於文化及語言溝通能力,醫療需求無法獲得滿足,建議醫療單位應正視急診環境問題,安排足夠醫護人力與倡導多元語言溝通,以滿足新移民母親的醫療需求,並提升急診醫療品質與滿意度。


Background: Immigrant mothers who bring their critically ill children to the emergency department (ED) for urgent medical care frequently are unfamiliar with the ED environment, have difficulties communicating with health care staff, and feel their immediate medical needs ignored. While such is a source of great stress for this growing segment of the Taiwan population, related research to date is insufficient.Purpose: This study explored the influence of the ED environment on immigrant mother experiences seeking medical assistance for their critically ill children.
Methods: This qualitative study used grounded theory to collect and analyze data. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed to conduct in-depth interviews with 12 immigrant mothers from Southeast Asia, all of whom had basic Mandarin Chinese listening and communication abilities. Constant comparison, theoretical sampling, and an expert panel were used to ensure research trustworthiness.Results: Two categories and four subcategories emerged from this study. “Children’s acute illness onset” represented the causal condition of immigrant mothers in sending their critically ill children to the ED. “Chaotic and busy emergency
environment” was the contextual condition identified that showed the medical care seeking process employed by subjects. The latter category comprised the three subcategories of “medical and nursing staff are too busy to be available,”“negative ED health care staff attitudes,” and “chaotic ED environment.”Conclusion / Implications for Practice: Immigrant mother medical needs are not satisfied due to culture and language communication barriers. We suggest that medical institutions address seriously issues in their ED environment by assigning sufficient nursing manpower and promoting multilingual capabilities in order to satisfy the medical needs of immigrant mothers and improve ED care service quality.
