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篇名 探討學齡期兒童面對母親罹癌之經驗歷程
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Lived Experience of School-Aged Children With Mothers Afflicted by Cancer
作者 張純純陳月枝
頁次 034-041
關鍵字 學齡期兒童罹癌母親經驗school-aged childrenmother with cancerexperience
出刊日期 201203


背 景當母親被診斷為癌症時,對家中未成年子女之生理、心理與社會適應等方面均會造成重大影響。目前有關學齡期兒童面對母親罹癌之經驗歷程的相關研究付之闕如。目 的探討學齡期兒童面對母親罹癌之經驗歷程。方 法採現象學研究法,以立意取樣,共10位學齡期兒童參與研究並知情母親罹癌。結 果資料分析學齡期兒童面對母親罹癌之經驗歷程,共包含五個主題:「得知罹病訊息的反應」;「因應母親住院的分離」;「面對母親治療後的改變」;「改變生活型態」;與「擔心母親死亡/接受事實」。結 論/實務應用學齡期兒童面對母親罹癌之經驗歷程,可供臨床護理人員及學校老師進一步了解學齡期兒童的感受、陪伴及協助學齡期兒童面對其罹癌的母親。


Background: School-aged children of mothers with cancer face physiological, psychological and social pressures.Few study findings have examined the lived experience of this vulnerable population.Purpose: This study describes the experience of school-aged children of mothers suffering from cancer.Methods: The researchers adopted a phenomenological approach. Purposive sampling enrolled ten school-age children as participants. Participants all had firsthand experience living with mothers suffering from cancer.Results: After data analysis, five major themes emerged. These were: 1) responding to the illness message; 2) coping with separation from their hospitalized mothers; 3) facing changes in the mothers after treatment; 4) altering lifestyles;and 5) worrying about their mother dying or accepting her death.Conclusions /
Implications: This study offers primary insights into the experience of school-aged children with mothers suffering from cancer. Findings can assist clinical nurses and teachers to further understand the feelings of
this population and better accompany / help them face and adjust to their situation.
