
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 護生初次臨床實習「關懷照護」學習經驗之探討
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Learning the Art of Caring: The Experience of Nursing Students in Their Primary Clinical Practice
作者 施美倫李彩歆
頁次 042-049
關鍵字 護生初次臨床實習關懷照護nursing studentsprimary clinical practicecaring
出刊日期 201203


背 景「關懷照護」(caring)是護理的本質,亦為護理教育的重點。目 的探討醫專護生初次臨床實習,對於「關懷照護」的學習經驗。方 法採質性研究,對象為某醫專初次至臨床實習的護理科二年級學生,須完成四週160小時臨床實習,共七位護生。經由小組討論與焦點團體的方式進行學習經驗的資料收集。訪談內容徵求研究對象同意全程錄音,並將所得資料轉為逐字稿;再以內容分析法進行資料分析與歸納。結 果護生初次臨床實習對「關懷照護」的學習經驗,歸納出三大主題,包括:⑴揭開「關懷照護」的面紗:對關懷照護的詮釋及感受關懷照護與被關懷的經驗。⑵態度決定一切:從心出發、激發關懷學習的火花。⑶知行合一:以病人為中心的照護模式、關懷生活化。結 論/實務應用護生於臨床實習關懷照護學習經驗,可作為護理教育者,尤其是實習指導教師設計臨床實習教學計畫的參考,以提昇護生對關懷照護的學習成效。


Background: “Caring” is the essence of nursing and a key focus of nursing education.Purpose: This study examined the learning experience of college nursing students with regard to caring during their primary clinical practice.Methods: Researchers adopted a qualitative research approach and collected data using group discussion and focus groups. Participants included seven nursing students experiencing their first primary clinical practice. Participants agreed to audiotape the entire data collection process. After transcribing audiotaped information verbatim, researchers
identified themes and used content analysis to analyze data.Results: Three major themes emerged from the data including: 1. Understanding caring: Interpretation of caring and the experience of caring for others and being concerned. 2. Attitude is everything: Trigger the spark of motivation toward care learning from heart. 3.Knowledge and Action: A patient-centered care model; make caring more life-related.Conclusions: Nursing educators, particularly clinical teachers, can reference participant learning experiences when designing / modifying clinical practice internship teaching programs in order to improve nursing student caring learning results.
