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篇名 護理臨床教師自覺教學效能之探討—以北部某醫學中心為例
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Effect of Self-Evaluation on Teaching Efficacy in Clinical Nursing Preceptors: An Example of a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
作者 林郁汶陳玉枝高毓秀
頁次 070-079
關鍵字 護理臨床教師教學效能教學自我效能信念preceptorteaching efficacyteaching self-efficacy
出刊日期 201203


背 景護理臨床教師教學效能高低影響著新進護理人員學習成效、流動率、滿意度及工作適應情形。目 的本研究旨在探討護理臨床教師自覺教學效能,並瞭解不同個人相關因素對護理臨床教師自覺教學效能之差異。方 法本研究為橫斷性研究,採方便取樣,以台灣地區台北市某醫學中心之護理臨床教師為研究對象,進行問卷調查,共發出231份問卷,有效問卷210份,回收率90.9%。結 果⑴護理臨床教師自覺教學效能得分屬於中上程度,各向度由高而低排序為:「和諧的人際關係」、「成熟的人格特質」、「客觀的教學評值」、「足夠的專業能力」、「教學自我效能信念」、「有效的教學策略」。⑵影響護理臨床教師自覺教師效能之個人相關因素為年齡、婚姻、擔任職務、進階層級、護理臨床工作年資、護理教學年資及是否有意願擔任護理臨床教師。結 論/實務應用藉由護理臨床教師教學效能探討,提供護理臨床教師教育訓練參考。


Background: The teaching efficacy of clinical nursing preceptors affects how well new nurses learn as well as their turnover rate, job satisfaction, and successful adjustment to the professional environment.
Purposes: This study examined the teaching effectiveness of clinical nursing preceptors and associated factors of influence.Methods: This cross-sectional study design used a convenience sample. Participants included clinical nursing preceptors from a university medical center in Taipei, Taiwan. Teaching effectiveness was measured using the Clinical Nursing Preceptors’ Self-Evaluation on Teaching Effectiveness questionnaire. A total of 231 questionnaires were distributed.The 210 that were completed and considered valid gave an effective return rate of 90.9%.Results: (1) In general, teaching effectiveness was rated above average. The importance of each subscale, from high to low, was Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship, Maturity of Personal Characteristics, Objectivity of Teaching Evaluation,Proficiency of Professional Knowledge, Teaching Self-Efficacy and Effective Teaching Strategies. (2) Individual characteristics affecting teaching effectiveness included age, marriage, job description, level of position, seniority as a nurse, seniority as a preceptor, and desire to be a clinical nursing preceptor.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: This study may provide ideas for continuing education with regard to teaching strategies for clinical nursing preceptors
