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篇名 Synergistic Study of Drug Resistance Modulators on the Chemocytotoxicity to Transitional Cell Carcinoma
卷期 14:4
並列篇名 對移形上皮細胞癌多重抗藥性之修飾調降研究
作者 于大雄陳宏一張聖原
頁次 168-174
關鍵字 移形上皮細胞癌多重性抗藥性修飾劑鈣離子拮抗劑Transitional cell carcinomaMultidrug resistanceModulationCalcium antagonistTamoxifen
出刊日期 200312



OBJECTIVE: Intrinsic multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major obstacle for effective chemotherapy of advanced transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The aim of this study was to determine the modulation of cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs on TCC cells by various modulators.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cytotoxicities of various anticancer drugs, including
adriamycin and cisplatin, to TCC cell lines were analyzed. Fourteen modulators, including calcium antagonists, a protein kinase C inhibitor, a glutathione transferase inhibitor, protein/peptide synthesis inhibitors, respiratory chain inhibitors, an uncoupling reagent, an ATP synthesis inhibitor,and ionophores, were examined for their MDR-reversing activity using the microplate tetrazolium test. An in vivo animal study was conducted to evaluate the synergistic effect on tumor growth of
modulators of chemotherapeutic agents.RESULTS: Results demonstrated that verapamil, quinidine, tamoxifen, oligomycin, and ouabain had prominent synergistic effects on the cytotoxicity of adriamycin to TCC tumor cells. The enhancement was related to the dosage and treatment duration of the modulators. Further trials on simultaneous additions of these modulators to cocktail mixtures showed no higher synergistic effect. An in vivo study showed that verapamil could enhance the suppression of inoculated tumor growth in mice by adriamycin CONCLUSIONS: The calcium antagonists, tamoxifen, oligomycin, and ouabain, can individually be provided as effective adjunctive chemotherapy for overcoming native drug resistance in
TCC cells. Combination regimens need more study to determine the optimal administration timing,dosage, and frequency of modulators.
