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篇名 Castleman Disease in the Retroperitoneal Space: A Case Report
卷期 14:4
並列篇名 後腹腔Castleman氏疾病:病例報告
作者 何君彥楊啟瑞陳文銘蘇重光賀昊中歐宴泉程千里詹以吉何霖
頁次 193-195
關鍵字 Castleman氏疾病後腹腔Castleman diseaseRetroperitoneum
出刊日期 200312



We report a case of a 39–year–old male who visited our hospital due to painful oral ulcers for 6 months. Under the impression of pemphigus, he received steroid therapy. A malignancy survey disclosed a retroperitoneal mass of about 7 cm in diameter over the left suprarenal space. Angiograghy
showed a hypervascular lesion with blood supply from adrenal vessels. Surgical excision was carried out, and histopathological examination confirmed a diagnosis of the hyaline type of Castleman disease. The postoperative course was smooth, and he was discharged 9 days after
the operation. The patient has been followed up for 6 months without local recurrence.
