
Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences

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篇名 聖經文學本土化修正詮釋之教學探索
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Exploration of Teaching the Bible as Literature with the Localized Revisionary Interpretation
作者 陳建民
頁次 144-161
關鍵字 聖經文學修正詮釋本土化心境與關係文學教學the Bible as literaturerevisionary interpretationlocalizationHsin-ching and Kuan-hsiteaching literature
出刊日期 201112


版本選擇、修正詮釋、本土化是本文嘗試結合的三個面向,藉此探索是於華人的聖經文學之詮釋與教學。從諸多譯本中,試提出三種代表性英譯本聖經:Holy Bible:King James Version(《英王欽定本聖經》),(Good News Bible: Today's English Version)(《現代英文版好消息聖經》),(The New International Version, or NIV) (《新國際版聖經》),而對聖經文本加以描述並比較特色。三譯本各具特色,英王欽定本的語言過於古雅,適宜英國文學史之研讀,但若著眼於聖經文學之一般性入門,則提議採用另二種譯本。筆者曾分別採用這三種譯本在台灣講授聖經文學二十多年,體認到學生因英文能力等級有別,故對不同版本有不同反應,此點值得列入教學擇材的考量。故試解析此二方便譯本,對入門者效果較佳之處。詮釋方法上,西方文學常以形上模式解析,慣以對立之「形式與內容鳥主 · 此希臘式傳統理性之思維方式固然有益於聖經文學之解讀,尤其是解析新約時,效果明顯,但文化層面上,卻對中國學習者潛藏著直覺上的格格不入。故本文接著試循猶太文學傳統之修正詮釋方法,將之結合於華人本上思路而解讀聖經。聖經內部的修正詮釋,以新約使徒保羅的作法最為強烈,該作法同樣適用於現代人之詮釋聖經。思維的本上化方法,本文採「心境」 (Hsin-ching)與「關係」(Kuan-hsi)為徒疇,說明詮釋文學教學聖經章段時,可兼顧文本的語言多義性、宗教實用性、文學美學面等。聖經文學之教學,理應審慎選擇版本,從西方解析法回歸本土化修正詮釋,由華人觀點而了解聖經肯景與內容,以期藉本土化修正詮釋而審視聖經文學,而獲得美學經臉,並構成教學之進路。


Version selection, revisionary interpretation, and localization are the three aspects to be combined in this thesis in search of a possible approach of interpreting and teaching the Bible as literature to Chinese readers. Among the various versions, three representative ones are selected: The Holy Bible: King James Version (KJB), The Good News Bible: Today’s English Version (GNB), and The New International Version (NIV) for the current discussion on version description and comparison. Each of
the three has merits of its own. The language of the KJV, generally speaking, is elegant and yet archaic to modern readers, which suits better the study of the history of English literature. Yet in terms of the
introduction of the Bible as literature to general readers, the other two versions are strongly suggested. It has been more than twenty years since I first adopted the three versions separately in my Bible courses in Taiwan and recognized that students, limited differently in their English proficiency, respond to the three versions differently. It is worth careful consideration in selecting the proper version for the students. Thus, in this thesis, the strong points of the two easier versions are compared analytically. Hermeneutically, western literature is traditionally understood in the metaphysical mode, which is based
on the opposing “form and content.” This Greek thought-pattern has proved useful in reading the Bible, especially in digesting the New Testament, but to Chinese learners, on the cultural level, there is an
incongruity in their perceptions. This article means to follow the revisionary interpretation as is used in the Jewish tradition of literature and combine it with Chinese thought-pattern to study the biblical literature. Within the Bible itself, the most drastic application of such a method was made by Paul the Apostle, and his way as shown in the New Testament is also useful to modern people. The traditional Chinese thought-pattern is derived from the philosophical ideas of “Hsin-ching” (mentality) and “Kuan-hsi” (relation), and this pattern is effective either in interpreting biblical passages or in teaching language, religious elements, and literary aesthetic. To select the proper version of the Bible as a text, to adopt the localized revisionary interpretation, and to view its background and contents from the Chinese perspective, altogether, will serve as a teaching method for the Bible and its potential literary aesthetical experiences.
