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篇名 法律知能與社會工作專業:跨界整合的探索及一位外籍配偶爭取監護權案例的啟發
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Legal Competence and Social Work Professional:Exploration of Cross- Discipline Integration and Inspiration from a Case Study of a Foreign Spouses Fighting for Children’s Custody
作者 陳竹上JWU-SHANG CHEN)曾竹寧
頁次 162-184
關鍵字 社會工作專業能力法律知能子女監護權social work Professionallegal competencechild custody
出刊日期 201112


1996 年Mclaughlin於(Competence in Social Work Practice)一書中指出「法律知識」( legislative knowledge )乃社會工作六大知識領域之一,至於兩者如何產生更充分的連結及整合,則有賴就社會工作專業能力及法律知能的進一步分析。本文期能就我國監護權制度下司法與社工整合之案例,藉由兩位作者分別於法學及社會工作領域學習心得之交流與詮釋,將Mclaughlin之觀點進行較本土化之闡述。本文首先籍由文獻探討嘗試彙整社會工作專業能力及法律知能之街接點,並以社工技巧、知識、價值、倡導等層次作為架構體系之基礎。繼之案例分析的部分,係因民國 85 年起,我國關於夫妻離婚後子女監護權的歸屬方式,於民法第 1055 條之 l 規定法官於栽判前必須參考社工人員之訪視報告,從而亦促使我國司法機關與社會工作界之互動漸趨頻繁。然而,在檢視實際個案判決的過程中,吾人發現若從事監護權訪視之社工人員,得以具備更深入之相關法律知能,將更有助於確保當事人之權益及促成法院之最佳判斷。故本文籍由一個外籍配偶爭取子女監護權的個案,呈現一位因家暴而離婚之越南女性,雖經歷司法與社工兩項專業合作判斷之程序,但縱使上訴至最高法院仍無法取得女兒監護權的經過,期能由此思索社會工作與法律知能進一步整合之需求與契機 ·


In 1996 Mclaughlin, in his book: "Competence in Social Work Practice", indicated that "legislative knowledge" is one of the six areas of social work knowledge. More complete links and integration between the fields of social work competence and legislative knowledge will rely on further
analysis. This paper hopes to localize Mclaughlin’s view through taking the custody-decision system, which integrates judicial and social work, as an example and exchanging the learning experience of law and social work fields from the two authors. Firstly, we try to find the convergence points of legislative knowledge and social work competence by compiling the literature and framing the system based on the different levels of social work skills, knowledge, values and advocacy. Secondly, this article hopes to discover the needs and seeks the opportunities of further integration of social work and legal knowledge from a case study of a foreign spouses fighting for children’s custody.
