
Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences

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篇名 服務學習取向的社區工作-以亞洲大學霧峰學為例
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Service Learning Approach on Community Work—An Analysis of the Wu-feng Studies in Asia University
作者 廖淑娟蕭至邦陳竹上簡宏哲
頁次 185-204
關鍵字 社區工作服務學習霧峰學社會工作教育大學社區夥伴關係community workservice learningWu-feng Studiessocial work educationuniversity-community partnership
出刊日期 201112




The purpose of this study is to integrate social work and service learning. The study utilized qualitative research to explore the relationship of the Wu-feng studies curriculum, service learning, and
community work to establish the Wu-feng Studies model. Theoretical underpinning is based on service learning, core values of social work, dialogue education, and community work. Data resources are from university policies, students’ assignments and term papers, as well as students’ reflections. An in-depth interview method was utilized to collect data from community workers. The Wu-feng Studies Model is thus generated as the result: Asia University takes students into communities through the Wu-feng
studies curriculum. Students learn how to care for people within the community and work with the community members via discussion, learning and action. In so doing, they produce knowledge, which goes back to the university, and which demonstrates the firm partnership between the university and the communities. The contribution of this study is to create a dialogue between students and community people via the Wu-feng Studies curriculum. It practices macro social work, cultivates civic engagement, produces local knowledge, and develops the university mission.
