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篇名 後現代與神學教育
卷期 3
並列篇名 Postmodernism and Theological Education
作者 周功和
頁次 064-088
出刊日期 201010




Modernity is characterized by an epistemology known as classicalfoundationalism, which requires a rational justification of all beliefs. Modernity hashad a pervasive influence upon Protestantism, including evangelicals. Evangelicaltheological education has been largely rationalistic, training students to be competentin exegesis of the Bible and in systematic theology.The later Wittgenstein insisted that logical language is insufficient to live by.Different communities have a right to live by their own language games. Morerecently, postmodernist philosophers seek to deconstruct any theory that claimsuniversal applicability. Foucault declared that any authoritative interpretation is anattempt by a few to gain political power. The emerging church movement in theWest is influenced by this kind of postmodernist mindset. While the movement is aspectrum ranging from theological liberalism to Reformed Biblicism, it has severalcharacteristics, including skepticism regarding systematic theology, eclectic forms ofworship, and missional communities.Evangelical theology should be neither modernist nor postmodernist. TheReformed Epistemology and the Calvin/Aquinas Model of religious knowledgeprovided by Alvin Plantinga are offered as a viable apologetic. A modest form ofrealism is proposed for both Biblical exegesis and reexamination of theologicaldogma. In the area of practical theology, several suggestions were offered:To increase participation of church members, Wayne Grudem’s formulation ofeleven means of grace is useful.Some of the innovative forms of worship of emerging churches may beexamined and experienced in seminaries during chapel time.Do not neglect to preach the grand narrative of redemptive history, andremember to tell stories as sermon illustrations.Christian fellowship and evangelism are inseparable. Missional communitiesenable postmodern people to hear and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

