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篇名 探研詩篇的咒詛經文
卷期 3
並列篇名 Interpreting the Imprecatory Passages of the Psalms
作者 蔡麗貞
頁次 090-118
出刊日期 201010



The imprecatory psalms are among the difficult passages of the Bible. Theproblem with the imprecatory psalms is how an apparent spirit of harsh vengeance canbe reconciled with the precepts of the New Testament and Jesus’ teaching to “loveyour enemies and pray for those who persecute you”(Matt. 5: 44)The author analyses two kinds of hermeneutical model: the critical model and theChristianized model. Both models have to face the problem that the imprecatoryprayers are found in both Old Testament and New Testament. Even today, aChristian has similar human emotion as the psalmist.The author also provides five approaches to solve the problems of the psalms’imprecations: 1. The predictive approach; 2. the particular historical background; 3.the ritual oaths of ancient religion; 4. the exaggerated poetic expressions; 5. thechannel or means to release anger or depression.These five approaches overlap somewhat with one another. Owing to theuncertainty of the historical background of the psalms, the five approaches only fitsome individual imprecatory passages. The reader needs to make appropriatejudgments according to the limited clues given by the individual psalm.

