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篇名 路得記的四幕景
卷期 3
並列篇名 The Four Scenes in the Book of Ruth
作者 胡維華
頁次 146-165
出刊日期 201010



The Book of Ruth depicts the story of two widows and one of their kinsmen.Through the steadfast love of these three figures, a family torn by tragedy experiencedGod’s providential care, thereby embarked a new phase in their lives and in Israel’shistory.Although the story of Ruth is well known, a few details in the original Hebrewtext are neglected or misrepresented. Key issues include Ruth’s gleaning in the field,her encounter with Boaz at night, and the transaction at the city gate. This articleattempts to address those issues by examining relevant grammatical constructions, theancient Near Eastern setting, and the legal complexity. All these discussions willbring us to a better understanding of the character of the key figures, as well as theirtroubles and efforts. With that, a deeper appreciation of the story may be developed.

