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篇名 底本說的再思
卷期 3
並列篇名 Rethinking the Documentary Hypothesis – Its Growth, Decline and the Paradigm Shift in Pentateuchal Studies
作者 施尤禮
頁次 120-145
出刊日期 201010



In this paper, the author presents a brief sketch of the history of thedevelopment of the Documentary Hypothesis, which is the landmark of Pentateuchalresearch since Julius Wellhausen until its gradual decline in the late twentiethcentury. Although there are still many scholars who show some affiliation to thetheory, it has suffered loss from inconsistencies in the theory itself and among thescholars who support it, as well as its limitation in creating meanings from the textanalysis of the Bible. With the loss of influence of this theory as a methodology, theauthor calls for the development of new methodologies as a response to thisparadigm shift. Finally, the literary theory of Mikhail Bakhtin is suggested as onepossible avenue towards fruitful Pentateuchal study.

