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篇名 學術研究與神學教育-華人世界基督教研究的緊迫性
卷期 3
並列篇名 Academic Studies and Theological Education The Urgency of Christianity Studies in Chinese Areas
作者 林鴻信
頁次 010-033
出刊日期 201010


2001 年前往柏林參加德國中國中心與香港漢語基督教文化研究所舉辦的「基督文化與中國文化的相遇:翻譯與吸納」學術研討會,1我遇見了中國大陸從事基督教研究的學者何光滬(人大)、高師寧(社科)、楊慧林(人大)、李秋零(人大)、王曉朝(清華)、張慶熊(復旦)、張憲(中山)、楊劍龍(上海師大)、張賢勇(漢語)、與周偉馳(中國社科院)。會中中國學者絕大多數並非基督徒,但卻發表了精彩的基督教研究報告或觀點,呈現出非基督徒學者雲集而談論基督教的特別景象。比如楊慧林教授發表〈《聖經》詮釋中的意義問題〉,指出人文學視域有其限制,需要神學視域的相互補足,2呈現出對於基督教信仰的智慧洞見,十分精彩。


Recently there has been a trend towards Christianity Studies in China. Amongthe scholars who are interested mainly in the cultural aspect of Christianity the term“Cultural Christianity” is used. This has caused a tension between the theology ofchurch and the theology of humanity studies. Whether this tension comes frommodernization or the special context of China, it is an issue worth studying. However,it is a new thing. Such a phenomenon has aroused discussion on what Sino-theology is.That is to say, how to integrate the theological components with linguistic-culturalcomponents. Furthermore, it is related to the discussion of indigenous theology andcontextual theology. In the Chinese context, Christianity has to face the challenge ofConfucianism as the representative of Chinese tradition on the one hand, and thenatural science and social science arising from the Enlightenment on the other hand.Although it is possible for every person to study theology, it is only possible forthe Christians to do theology. We may learn something form the rise and the fall of theCollege of Religious Studies of Yenching University and Campbell N. Moody’sobservation of Taiwanese Christians according to his missionary experience. Whatthen is the relationship between academic studies and theological education? Themain goal of a seminary is surely theological education, but the academic studies arethe bases of theological education. Furthermore, theological education will form thevalues and visions of the churches in the future. Because of the complicated situationsmentioned, now it is time to clarify those basic concepts of theology. If theChristianity Studies from the Christian side can not shape a community ofintellectuals and a power for dialogue in the academic field, then it is impossible tofulfill its mandate for this time.

