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篇名 大學圖書館學習共享空間的使用情形研究:以輔仁大學為例
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Investigation on the Usage of University Libraries’ Learning Commons: A Case Study on Fu Jen Catholic University
作者 李佩瑾吳政叡
頁次 073-089
關鍵字 學習共享空間資訊共享空間大學圖書館使用調查Learning CommonsInformation CommonsUniversity libraryUsage investigation
出刊日期 201203


本研究利用問卷調查來了解輔仁大學圖書館學習共享空間的狀況、效益和滿 意度,探討的層面包括:使用者的基本背景(性別、學院、年級)、使用原因與 主要活動、使用情境與頻率、各項服務的利用與滿意度調查等,希望調查結果能 提供國內大學圖書館在規劃學習共享空間時的參考。問卷調查有以下的主要發 現:首先,超過9 成使用者知道小組討論是學習共享空間的特色,近8 成使用者 可以接受有聲音的討論;其次,寬敞、舒適、良好軟硬體設備、小組討論,確實 有助於吸引學生來使用學習共享空間,而且幾乎全部的使用者都認為設置學習共 享空間增加了他們使用圖書館的意願,同時有9 成的使用者認為此空間對於課業 學習是有助益的;再者,近8 成的使用者表示經常來使用學習共享空間,且每週 至少使用一次的比例為74.8%,他們在學習共享空間內所從事的主要活動為資料 檢索、自修、小組討論、娛樂;最後,分析結果顯示使用者對各項服務的滿意度 平均值都接近4(五級量表,5 為最高分)。


Questionnaires had been utilized to investigate the usage and satisfaction of Learning Commons of Fu Jen University’s library from many aspects, including basic background of users, the reasons to use facilities, major activities, utilization frequency, and satisfaction of services. The important findings of this investigation were as follows: firstly, over 90% of users knew group discussion being one of the major features of Learning Commons and nearly 80% of users could accept it. Secondly, many designing features, including comfort, openness, good computer hardware and software, group discussion, of Learning Commons did attract users to the library. In addition, nearly all users expressed that their will did increased because of the existence of Learning Commons. In the meantime, nearly 80% of users believed that it was helpful for their learning as well. Thirdly, nearly 80% of users categorized themselves as frequent users of Learning Commons and their major activities were information seeking, selfstudying, group discussion, and entertainment. Lastly, the investigation revealed that the satisfaction level was near 4 on the 5 scales measurement for all services of Learning Commons.
