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篇名 大學生對大學圖書館情緒療癒閱讀素材需求之探索性研究
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Undergraduates’ Demand for Emotional Healing Reading Materials
作者 陳書梅洪新柔
頁次 012-035
關鍵字 情緒療癒閱讀素材發展性書目療法大學生大學圖書館Emotional healing reading materialDevelopmental bibliotherapyUndergraduateUniversity library
出刊日期 201203


大學生處於青少年與成人之間的過渡階段,常面臨到許多挫折與情緒困擾問 題,其不僅在學業方面有所需求,在情緒療癒方面亦有需求。相關研究指出,閱 讀適當的圖書資訊資源有助於大學生紓解壓力,甚而能進一步解決其情緒困擾問 題,此即書目療法之精神。而大學圖書館具備豐富多元的館藏資源,除可發揮傳 統支援教學與研究的功能之外,是否能針對大學生的情緒療癒需求,提供情緒療 癒閱讀素材以協助其透過閱讀來舒緩負面情緒,實是值得吾人思考之議題。爰 此,本研究針對20 位閱讀經驗豐富,並將閱讀視為主要舒緩情緒管道的臺灣大學 之大學部學生進行半結構式之深度訪談,探究其對於情緒療癒閱讀素材之需求。 訪談結果發現,受訪者常見之情緒困擾問題包括「學業問題」、「同儕人際關係 問題」及「愛情問題」等,而當其遭遇情緒困擾問題時,則會考量「個人興趣喜 好」、「情緒困擾問題類型」及「素材內容主題」等因素來選擇情緒療癒閱讀素 材;至於受訪者對於情緒療癒閱讀素材館藏資源之需求,則包括希望大學圖書館 「發掘並推薦圖書館中具情緒療癒效用之館藏資源」、「增加多元媒體類型之情 緒療癒閱讀素材」以及「制訂合宜的情緒療癒閱讀素材館藏資源之管理政策」等。


This study focuses on the demands for emotional healing reading materials of undergraduates. Targeting at 20 undergraduates from National Taiwan University with the abundance of reading experiences and use reading as a way to relieve negative emotions, in-depth interviews are conducted to explore their demands of emotional healing reading materials. The results indicate that (1) common emotional disturbances of interviewees include problems from schoolwork, peer relationship, as well as love, and when they face emotional disturbances, they will consider their choice of emotional healing reading materials according to factors such as “personal interest”, “emotional disturbance problem” and “contents and topics of the material”. (2) The interviewees suggest that college libraries should discover and recommend resources with emotional healing efficacy in their collections, acquire more multimedia emotional healing reading materials, and establish appropriate management policies for collections of emotional healing reading materials.
