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篇名 口述歷史館藏的整理與運用:以臺灣檔案典藏單位為例
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Organization and Access of Oral History Collection: Archival Repositories of Taiwan as Examples
作者 顏佩貞
頁次 090-106
關鍵字 口述歷史口述歷史館藏檔案典藏單位口述歷史內容描述Oral historyOral history collectionArchival repositoriesOral history content description
出刊日期 201203


近年民間檔案逐漸受到檔案館的青睞,成為檔案館徵集的範圍之一,而口述 歷史也屬於其中之一。口述歷史產生的錄音帶、錄影帶、電子檔、訪談抄本、受 訪者捐贈資料等,種類相當繁雜,而臺灣各檔案典藏單位進行口述歷史之後,有 不同的整理與保存方式。本文藉由訪談瞭解臺灣各檔案典藏單位是如何整理與運 用口述歷史館藏,並提出一個更完善的整理與管理機制、提供更多元的運用方式。


In recent years, non-governmental archives increasingly favored by the archives and became one of the collections of archives, and oral history among the collections. Oral history interviews will produce audio tapes, video tapes, electronic files, interview transcripts, the interviewee’s donation, etc. Taiwan archival repositories include different ways to organize and reserve these oral history collections. Through the research, we could know how Taiwan archival repositories organize and reserve oral history collections, and provide what kind of access tools to users.
