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篇名 紙質文件與檔案修裱人員現況調查
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Employment Survey of Records and Archives Repair Professionals in Taiwan
作者 林巧敏洪碧苓
頁次 053-072
關鍵字 檔案維護檔案修復從業人員調查Archive preservationArchival repairEmployment survey
出刊日期 201203


檔案是國家紀錄重要的資產,妥善保存維護劣損檔案,有賴於修裱人員的專業處理。為瞭解國內檔案修裱專業人員的工作現況,本文藉由問卷調查方式,分析檔案修裱人員任用條件、修復技法、機關資源與人員培訓等議題,總計發送國內設有檔案修裱人員之11 所典藏機構共23 份問卷,回收問卷22 份,回收率為96%,最終歸納問卷與文獻分析結果,提供檔案修裱人員作業現況分析結果,並擬具修裱人員任用制度與作業改善建議,提供檔案典藏機構相關業務參考。


Archives are an important cultural heritage for a country. Effective preservation in archives depends on professional employment. It is essential to realize the work profile of repair employment. Questionnaires were distributed to all archival and documentary repositories for analyzing the issues of qualification, repair technique, supportive resources and training of employees. In total, 23 questionnaires were mailed and 22 responded, resulting in an overall response rate of 96%. Finally, literature and surveys were summarized for proposing the conclusions and suggestions for archival repositories to reference.
