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篇名 探討HIV感染者之憂鬱症狀及其相關因素
卷期 59:2
並列篇名 Depressive Symptoms in People Living With HIV:Related Factors
作者 葉美伶徐淑婷柯文謙柯乃熒
頁次 040-050
關鍵字 人類免疫缺乏病毒憂鬱壓力知覺感受社會污名化human immunodeficiency virusdepressionperceived stresssocial stigmaMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201204


背景:人類免疫缺乏病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)感染者因面臨病程變化及疾病相關的壓力,易誘發憂鬱症狀的發生。然而,憂鬱的情緒不易由病人的外觀察覺,憂鬱症狀不僅影響其生活品質,減少對藥物的遵從性,進而使疾病病程惡化。目的:本研究旨在⑴探討HIV感染者之免疫指數、壓力知覺感受、社會污名化與其憂鬱症狀之關係,及⑵預測影響憂鬱症狀發生的危險因子。方法:研究對象來自南部某醫學中心160位於門診追蹤治療之HIV感染者,以貝克憂鬱量表、壓力知覺量表、自覺社會支持的多面向量表、社會衝擊量表及病歷回顧方式收集資料。結果:感染者有憂鬱症狀者(貝克憂鬱量表 ≥ 14分)約68位(42.5%),重度憂鬱症狀為(貝克憂鬱量表 ≥ 29分)約25位(15.6%);HIV感染者的免疫指數與其憂鬱症狀呈顯著負相關(p < .05);HIV感染者所感受到的社會污名化、壓力知覺感受與憂鬱症狀呈顯著正相關(p < .01)。逐步多變項廻歸分析顯示壓力知覺感受、社會污名化對憂鬱症狀之解釋力約44.4%。結論:降低感染者其自覺壓力感受、社會污名化作為預防HIV感染者憂鬱症狀之介入性措施的參考。


Background: People living with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) are at a high risk of depressive symptoms attributed to disease progression and HIV-related stress. While depressive symptoms are difficult to detect, in HIV patients they may negatively impact upon quality of life, decrease adherence to antiretroviral therapies, and further exacerbate disease progression. Purpose: Study purposes were to: (1) explore relationships among immune function indicators, perceived stress, social stigma and depressive symptoms and (2) identify depressive symptom indicators in HIV patients. Methods: Researchers recruited a total of 160 participants from infectious disease outpatient clinics at a university hospital in southern Taiwan. Chart reviews and four self-administered questionnaires (Beck Depression Inventory-Ⅱ (BDI-Ⅱ), Perceived Stress Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Social Impact Scale) were used to collect data. Results: Symptoms of depression (BDI ≥ 14) were observed in 68 (42.5%) patients and symptoms of major depression (BDI ≥ 29) in 25 (15.6%). We found immune function indicators negatively associated with depressive symptoms (p < .05) and perceived stress and social stigma positively associated with depressive symptoms (p < .01). Stepwise multiple
regression analysis indicated that perceived stress and social stigma accounted for 44.4% of depressive symptom variance. Conclusion: Findings suggest that reducing perceived stress and social stigma may positively affect perceived depressive symptoms in this population and may be referenced in future development of related interventions.
