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篇名 工作輪調認知與意願、工作滿意與工作績效之關係—以台南地區護理人員為例
卷期 59:2
並列篇名 Relationships Among Job Rotation Perception and Intention, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Study of Tainan Area Nurses
作者 潘月秋黃培文李金泉張清律
頁次 051-060
關鍵字 工作輪調認知與意願工作滿意工作績效job rotation perception and intentionjob satisfactionjob performanceMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201204




Background: There have been major changes to the medical care system and heightened standards for quality in the nursing profession in recent decades. Multifunctional capabilities are closely related to individual working attitudes, and work satisfaction directly affects group performance. Hospital administrators increasingly expect to utilize nursing
staffs flexibly in terms of working hours and shift rotation assignments. This study addresses the need to provide appropriate educational training to nurses and effectively delegate and utilize human resources in order to help nurses adapt to the rapidly changing medical environment. Purpose: This study on nursing staff in Tainan area explored the relationships between job rotation, work performance and satisfaction. Methods: We used a questionnaire sampling method to survey nurses working in the Tainan area of southern Taiwan. Subjects were volunteers and a total 228 valid questionnaires (99.13%) were returned out of a total 230 sent. Results: Both job satisfaction and performance correlated positively with job rotation perception and intention; Job satisfaction and job performance were positively related; Job satisfaction was found to affect work performance via job rotation perception and intention. Conclusions: This study found the hospital nursing staff rotation plan to be an effective management method that facilitates social evolution to increase positive perceptions of work rotation. Nursing staffs thus become more accepting
of new positions that may enhance job satisfaction.
