
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 我們一直沒放手—探討臺灣社區護理人員跨文化的健康照顧
卷期 59:2
並列篇名 Steadfast and Dependable:Trans-Cultural Community Healthcare in Taiwan
作者 吳櫻娟顏婉娟
頁次 023-028
關鍵字 原住民新移民跨文化照護aboriginalimmigranttrans-cultural health careMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201204




Taiwan’s multicultural population requires that nursing educators address and effectively manage trans-cultural healthcare issues. A longstanding lack of self-reflection on cultural issues has caused a gap between community nursing and the health needs of Taiwan’s indigenous people. Taiwan’s newer immigrant populations from Southeast Asia, Mainland China and elsewhere have added further cultural complexity to Taiwan’s community healthcare landscape. In this paper, the authors apply their
practical experience in community nursing to derive the special healthcare needs of indigenous and new immigrant populations based on the unique cultural attributes and health concepts of these populations. We hope to help nursing staff develop cultural self-awareness and sensitivity by admiring, respecting, and learning from their own culture while empathizing with and appreciating the cultures of their healthcare clients. By doing so, healthcare providers can further examine the cultural characteristics of the professional nursing system and conduct trans-cultural evaluations.
