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篇名 恢復室護理人員術後交班作業完整性之改善
卷期 59:2
並列篇名 Promoting Complete and Thorough Nurse Shift-Change Reporting in a Postoperative Recovery Room
作者 王美文黃麗鳳台麗珍陳淑華
頁次 080-087
關鍵字 恢復室護理人員護理交班完整性postoperative recovery room nursesnursing shift changescomprehensiveMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201204




Background & Problems: Detailed descriptions of nursing shift tasks are necessary to achieve comprehensive nursing care. The 22 cases of postoperative recovery ward error reported by our unit included chest tube obstructions, lost dentures and other nursing issues. To improve patient health and nurse shift quality, our unit established an ad hoc group to collect data helpful to overcoming problems attributable to nurse shift changes. We aimed to better nursing care by facilitating individualized patient care and avoiding accidents detrimental to patient safety. Purpose: This project was designed to raise the rate of 100% completion of nursing shift-change tasks to 91% of postoperative recovery room nurses.
Resolution: Newly revised operating standards regarding the recovery period after anesthesia established guidelines for a regular audit mechanism and in-service education programs for recovery room shift tasks.
Result: Full completion of shift tasks in the postoperative recovery room improved from 73.5% to 98.6% of nurses. Conclusion: Comprehensive completion of postoperative nursing shift-change tasks increases communication between team members, provides continuous care for patients, and enhances overall nursing care quality.
