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篇名 Ureteral Catheter Elongation and Placement with Flexible Cystoscopy
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 加長型輸尿管導管經由軟式膀胱鏡置放
作者 謝輝和
頁次 79-82
關鍵字 輸尿管導管軟式膀胱鏡ureteral catheterflexible cystoscopyTSCI
出刊日期 199906




The purpose of this study was to place a ureteral catheter upward into the upper collecting system by flexible cystoscopy without a preceding guide wire insertion. We used currently available materials to elongate the length of the ureteral catheter so that it was long enough to be passed smoothly through the instrument channel of the flexible cystoscope without a preceding guide wire. Sixty male patients had ureteral catheterization through flexible cystoscopy by this method. Ureteral catheterization was manipulated exactly the same way as in rigid cystoscopy. Sixty-six percent of the first 30 patients and 93% of the second 30 patients had successful ureteral catheterization by this new method. Among them, 2 patients had bilateral ureteral catheterization. We conclude that a ureteral catheter can be placed into the upper collecting system by flexi-ble cystoscopy without a preceding guide wire in most patients.
