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篇名 The Therapeutic Effects of Terazosin alone or in Combination with Finasteride on Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 單獨使用Terazosin或合併使用Terazosin和Finasteride對治療良性攝護腺肥大病人之效果
作者 黃一勝仇光宇
頁次 12-17
關鍵字 良性攝護腺肥大睪固峒二氫睪固酮benigh prostatic hyperplasiafinasteridetreazosinTSCI
出刊日期 199803


目前用來治療良性攝護腺肥大的藥物有兩種,包括α1-接受體抑制物(如terazosin)和5α-還原抑制物(如 finasteride)。理論上,合併使用這兩種藥物,應有相加或相乘的效果。本研究總共徵得78位良性攝護腺肥大的病參與。每個病人先服用一個月的terazosin(2毫克/天)後,再合併服用finasteride(5毫克/天)12個月。過程中,我們評估其症狀係數,最高尿流速及攝護腺體積等各種參數之變化。最高尿流速在單獨服用terazosin期(12.2±4.6毫升/秒比13.8±3.3毫升/秒,p<0.05)及合併使用期(增加11.4-14.8%,p<0.05)都呈有意義之變化,但此兩治療期作比較時,則發現並未呈有意義的差別。症狀指數在terazosin期及合併使用期,也都呈有意義的降低下來,但與最高尿流速一樣,terazosin期和合併使用期之間並無有意義之差別。至於攝護腺體積變化,在terazosin期並沒有意義的差別,但在合併使用期之前6個月,呈有意義之差別(26.2±6.3毫升比23.4±5.8毫升;26.2±6.3毫升比22.0±4.7毫升,p<0.01),不過接下來的6個月,攝護腺又慢慢回復原來的體積。PSA值在terazosin期並無有意義變化,但在合併吏用期全程都呈現有意義的減低(27.1-38.0%,p<0.01)。藥物的副作用方面,暈眩(9.0%),鼻塞(5.1%)及陽萎(2%)是terazosin治療期較常用的症狀,而陽萎(16.3%),性慾減退(4.1%)及逆行性射精(6.1%)則是合併使用期的普遍副作用。本研究顯示,terazosin單獨吏用呈現有效的治療結果,合併使用terazosin和finasteride來治療良性攝護腺肥大病人,除了前6個月其攝護腺體積呈有意義的縮小外,在客觀方面(最高尿流速)及主觀方想(症狀指數)並沒有顯示單獨使用terazosin有效。


Contemporary medical treatment of benigh prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) includes α 1-aderneoreceptor blocker (such as terazosin) and 5 α-reductase inhibitor (finasteride). Additive or synergistic effect may be demonstrated if these two drugs are administered in combination. Seventy-eight patilents with BPH were enrolled in this study to evaluate the effects of these 2medications. Each patient received terazosin (2 mg/day) for one month, then received combined therapy of terazosin (2 mg/day) and finasteride (5 mg./day) for 12 months. Peak urinary flow rate, symptom score and prostatic volume were determined at base line and during each period for comparison. Peak flow rate increased significantly from base line to terazosin alone period (12.2±4.6 ml/sec. vs 13.8±3.3 ml/sec. p<0.05), as well as combined period (11.4-14.8%), but no significant difference shown between terazosin alone and combined therapy. Symptom score decreased significantly during terazosin alone and combined periods. Similarly, no significant difference was found between terazosin alone and combined periods. Prostate volume revealed no significant reduction during the terazosin alone period, but reduced significantly at month 4 and month 7 of combined therapy (26.2±6.3 cm3 vs 23.4±5.8 cm3,26.2±6.3 cm3 vs 22.0±4.7 cm3, p<0.01), and then returned gradually. PSA showed no change n terazosin period but decreased significantly throughout the combined period (from 27.1% to 38.0%, p<0.01). Adverse side effects such as dizziness (9.0%), nasal obstraction (5.1%) and impotence (2.0%) were found primarily during terazosin alone treatment, while impotence (16.3%), loss of libido (4.1%) and retrograde ejaculation (6.1%) were noted mostly during com-bined therapy. In conclusion, terazosin alone was effective for treatment with BPH. Combined therapy of terazosin and finasteride, though may reduce prostatic volume significantly, showed no additive effect compared with terazosin alone, evaluated either objectively (peak flow rate) or subjectively (symptom score). (J Urol R. O.C., 9:12-17,1998)
