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篇名 黃色肉芽腫腎盂腎炎-病例報告
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis - A Case Report and a Review of the Literatures
作者 陳黎明黃偉晃曾炳榮談家俊
頁次 25-28
關鍵字 鹿角結石腎結石摘除術黃色肉芽腫腎盂腎炎staghorn stonenephrolithotomyxanthogranulomatous pyelonephritisTSCI
出刊日期 199803


患者為51歲女性主訴是近12個月有眼觀血尿,經一系列檢查發現患都為左腎鹿角結石合併左腎功能較差。在接受左腎結石摘除術時發現腎盂有黃色小顆粒,在懷疑黃色肉芽腫腎盂腎炎臆斷下作病理切片檢查並證實無誤。術後四年所作之靜注腎盂攝影發現左腎功能有明顯改善但仍有殘餘水腎現象。(J Urol R.O.C., 9:25-28,1998)


A 51-year old woman, presented with a 12-month history of gross hematuria and left flank pain. An excretory rogram demonstracted a staghorn stone with delayed contrast excretion. The Patient underwent a right nephropyeloithotomy through a right flank approach. Multiple yellowinsh nodules involving the whole renal pelvis was found indcidentally after the stone was removed. Biopsy was done and the pathological examination showed xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. The postoperative course was unremarkable. Excretory urography revealed improving of left renal function and the urinary tract infetion was well controlled four years post-operatively.
