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篇名 Postoperative Adjuvant Intravesical Instillation Therapy with BCG, Epirubicin and Thiotepa in Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 卡介苗,Epirubicin及Thiotepa預防表淺性膀胱癌復發之比較
作者 黃冠華蔡宗欣林信男楊文宏唐一清張建成鄭鴻琳林永明
頁次 187-192
關鍵字 卡介苗ThiotepaEpirubicin移行性上皮癌膀胱Bacillus Calmette-GuErinthiotepaepirubicintransitional cell carcinomaBladderTSCI
出刊日期 199612


自1993年12月至1995年6月,共有65位病人(40位男性,25位女性;年齡分佈由38至81歲,平均64歲)因膀胱移行性上皮癌(13位T0期;43位T1期;6位T2期;3位T3a期)在經膀胱鏡腫瘤切除後受輔助性膀胱灌藥治療。其中22 人使用Epirubicin,28人使用Thiotepa,15人使用卡介苗(加拿大製Caunnaught菌種)。這些病人每三個月接受膀胱鏡及尿液細胞學之檢查。其腫瘤局部復發率分別為Epirubicin:27.2%,Thiotepa:28.5%,卡介苗:13.3%。在卡介苗的治療中只有一個病人(未登入在15人之中)中途因敗血症而終止療程。在藥物引起副作用中,使用卡介苗者有較多嚴重之症狀,包括解尿困難(93%),血尿(60%),頻尿(46.7%),及發燒(>38.5℃)合併畏寒(40%)。在先前有復發記錄的病人中,此次治療之復發率在Epirubicin(4/10;40%)及Thiotepa(4/13;30.8%)是接近相等的,但使用卡介苗者中並無再復發者。而對於首次因膀胱腫瘤接受治療者,其復發率為Thiotepa:26.7%,Epirubicin:16.7%,卡介苗:13.3%。在吾等初步短時間之追蹤療程中發現,在這三種藥物中,使用卡介苗者有較低之復發率,但相對地對膀胱有較多副作用。


From December, 1993 to June 1995, a total of 65 patients (40 male and 25 female; age range from 38 to 81 years old, mean 64) with urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma (13 stage T0, 43 stage T1, 6 stage T2, 3 stage T3a) received adjuvant intravesical instillation therapy after TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumor). Among them, 22 were treated with epirubicin, 28 with thiotepa and 15 with BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, Caunnaught strain, Canada). They were followed with cystoscopy and urine cytology at regular therr-month intervals. The overall local recurrence rates were 27.2%, 28.5%, and 13.3% in the epirubicin, thiotepa and BCG groups, respectively (p>0.05). Only one patient, in the BCG group, dropped out of therapy because of urosepsis. Complicatoins were more severe and common in the BCG group, including dysuria (93.3%), hematuria (60%), frequency (46.7%) and fever with chills (40%). Patients who had failed previous intravesical chemotherapy recurred equally in the therapeutic groups of epirubicin (40%) and thiotepa (30.8%), but were not found in the BCG group, while the tumor recurrence rate for patients with fresh bladder tumor were 26.7%, 16.7%, and 13.3% among the groups given thiotepa, epirubicin and BCG, respectively. The preliminary result, with limited short-term follow-up, implied that BCG may provide the lowest recurrence rate among the three therapeutic groups at the expense of relatively severe, but self-limiting, side effects on the urinary bladder.
